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Choreographic interactions Ondine Cloez

“Describe, explain, interpret, translate. In this workshop, we will try to decipher these different instructions by articulating the spoken voice and movement. The aim is to share tips and tricks for performers, to reveal what happens when we set ourselves in motion. Revealing or discovering our mechanisms, so that later we can thwart or modify them. It’s an exploration of the gap between what I think and what I do, what I do and what is perceived, what is perceived and what I say.”

Ondine Cloez – Workshop Camping – CND at Pantin

© Michiel Devijver
© Michiel Devijver


Alongside her work as a performer and choreographer, Ondine Cloez is increasingly interested in teaching. Having taught on a number of training courses for artists and/or researchers (University 3 Lille, Master Critical Practices in Dance, Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Clermont-Ferrand, Camping/CND), this year she is teaching research as a creative tool to students of the Master Exerce (ICI/CCN, Montpellier).

Centre Social Salvador Allende

In 2020-2021, during her residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, she met a group of elderly people at the Centre Social Salvador Allende (independent living). Together, they created a repertoire of around thirty songs that they sang joyfully on Wednesday afternoons. These moments were an occasion to chat, laugh, share memories and above all, learn to be and sing together. The workshops were also an opportunity to create a link between those precarious elderly people and Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, located 500 metres away, and invite residents to performances and lectures.

Extracts from the SAS Parenthèse (Service d’Accrochage Scolaire) radio programme, Brussels, March 2020.

ondine cloez ondulation
ondine cloez ondulation

SAS Parenthèse

In 2024, she will collaborate with SAS Parenthèse (Service d’Accrochage Scolaire) in Brussels, helping teenagers who have dropped out of school to discover live performance. Each show will be preceded by meeting the artists and followed by a radio programme organised by SAS. After a first experience with this organisation in 2020 with her show Vacances vacance, Ondine wanted to deepen the experience and offer these young people, most of whom are not familiar with live performance, the opportunity to discover part of the contemporary scene in Brussels and familiarise themselves with this environment. It is also an opportunity for them to develop a critical eye and try to formulate what happens when one sees a live performance.


ondine cloez ondulation

The first word of the first poem of the first collection is basket (création 2024)


The first word of the first poem of the first collection is basket is a project that began with the reading of a 5th century poem by Man’yoshū. It wasn’t long before Ondine Cloez and Kotomi Kishiwaki began writing their own four-handed tanka. In this duet, they offer to translate for the audience what happens to them when they are on stage. In a spoken and danced dialogue, they make their subterranean work as performers visible and expose details they would normally keep quiet about or conceal.

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Audience : from 15 years old


“We would like our artistic research to be a learning moment as well, we hope to lay a common foundation on which to create something. We are as much interested in these distant materials as we are in how we will collaborate and invent a way of working together.

We are navigating in a deliberately blurred area between specific anchor points (Man’yoshu, translation, memory), in an unknown but common territory. Ideally we would like to continue this for several years and create public times that would mix learning (lectures, readings, workshops) and performance.”

Portrait Ondine Cloez

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